How to make Caramel Lollipops – Recipes

Tips for Make Caramel Lollipops and  Recipes


If you’re looking for a delicious and unique treat, caramel lollipops are a perfect choice! These sweet pops are made with rich and buttery caramel, making them a real indulgence. They’re perfect for a special occasion or simply as a sweet snack. Plus, they’re easy to make at home so you can enjoy them anytime you like. So why not give caramel lollipops a try? You won’t be disappointed!


How to make Caramel Lollipops:


  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • Lollipop sticks
  • Candy molds (optional)


  1. Combine the sugar, corn syrup, water, and vanilla extract in a medium saucepan over medium heat.
  2. Cook the mixture, stirring frequently until it comes to a boil.
  3. Allow the mixture to boil for 3 minutes without stirring.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the baking soda. The mixture will become foamy.
  5. Pour the mixture into the molds or onto a Silpat mat. If you’re using molds, insert the sticks now.
  6. Allow the lollipops to cool and harden for at least 2 hours.
  7. Once they’re firm, remove them from the molds or Silpat mat.
  8. Enjoy!

With these easy instructions, you can make delicious caramel lollipops at home any time you crave them! Be sure to use high-quality ingredients for the best flavor and enjoy your sweet treats!

FAQs Caramel Lollipops

What is the best way to store caramel lollipops?

Caramel lollipops can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks. For longer storage, they can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

How do you make caramel lollipops without corn syrup?

You can substitute honey or agave nectar for the corn syrup in this recipe. However, keep in mind that the texture and flavor of the lollipops will be slightly different.

Can I use a different extract other than vanilla?

Yes, feel free to experiment with different extracts or even spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg. Just keep in mind that the flavor will be slightly different.

With these easy tips, you can make perfect caramel lollipops at home at any time! Be sure to use high-quality ingredients and enjoy your sweet treats!

How do I make caramel harden?

You can use a candy thermometer to make sure the caramel reaches the proper temperature. Once it reaches between 155-165 degrees Fahrenheit, it will start to harden. You can also put the caramel in the fridge or freezer to speed up the process.

What is the best way to remove lollipops from molds?

If you’re using silicone molds, you can simply pop the lollipops out. If you’re using plastic or metal molds, you may need to run them under warm water for a few seconds to help release the candy.

How do I make caramel harden?

You can use a candy thermometer to make sure the caramel reaches the proper temperature. Once it reaches between 155-165 degrees Fahrenheit, it will start to harden. You can also put the caramel in the fridge or freezer to speed up the process.

What is the main ingredient in caramel?

The main ingredient in caramel is sugar. Caramel is made by heating sugar until it melts and turns brown. This process is called caramelization.

What is the difference between caramel and toffee?

Toffee is similar to caramel, but it also contains butter and often has higher sugar content. Toffee is made by boiling sugar and butter until it thickens and turns brown.

How do I make perfect caramel lollipops at home?

With these easy tips, you can make perfect caramel lollipops at home at any time! Be sure to use high-quality ingredients and enjoy your sweet treats!

How do you keep caramel candy from melting?

To keep caramel candy from melting, store it in a cool, dry place. Caramel is sensitive to heat and moisture, so it’s important to keep it stored properly. You can also wrap individual pieces of caramel in wax paper or plastic wrap to prevent them from sticking together.

What is caramel candy made of?

Caramel candy is made of sugar, butter, and cream. The sugar is heated until it melts and turns brown, then the other ingredients are added and the mixture is cooled.

Can you freeze caramel candy?

Yes, you can freeze caramel candy. Wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn. Caramel candy will keep in the freezer for up to 6 months.

What does adding butter to caramel do?

Adding butter to caramel gives it a smooth, creamy texture. The fat in the butter also helps to prevent the candy from crystallizing as it cools.

How can I make chewy caramel?

To make chewy caramel, cook the sugar for a shorter period of time so that it doesn’t get too dark. You can also add a little corn syrup to the recipe, which will help to prevent the candy from getting hard and crunchy.

Does caramel have milk in it?

Some caramel recipes do call for milk, but it’s not necessary. You can make caramel with just sugar, butter, and cream.

Why is my caramel not hardening?

There are a few reasons why your caramel might not be hardening. The most common reason is that the caramel wasn’t cooked long enough. The caramel needs to reach between 155-165 degrees Fahrenheit to start hardening. You can also put the caramel in the fridge or freezer to speed up the process.

How do you thicken caramel?

The easiest way to thicken caramel is to cook it for a longer period of time. If you want to thicken it quickly, you can add a little bit of cornstarch or flour. Just be sure to stir it well so that the mixture doesn’t become clumpy.

Can you reheat caramel?

Yes, you can reheat caramel. Place it in a microwave-safe bowl and heat it in 30-second intervals until it reaches the desired temperature. You can also reheat caramel on the stovetop over low heat.


Making caramel lollipops is a fun and easy way to show your culinary skills. These sweet treats are perfect for any occasion, whether you’re celebrating a birthday or simply want something delicious to snack on. If you’re looking for a new recipe to try out, we recommend giving these caramel lollipops ago. With just a few simple ingredients, you can be on your way to making these tasty morsels. We hope you enjoy them!

Be sure to share pictures of your creations with us on social media so we can see how they turned out!

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